5 Common Water Heater Issues | American Water and Plumbing

7 Reasons To Drink More Water

Susan Gentry

Water is essential for ALL bodily functions and makes up to 2/3 of our body weight.

Here are 7 reasons to drink more water

  1. Fire up that Metabolism- You can burn more calories by drinking COLD water which stimulates thermo genesis.
  2. Improve Muscle Tone
  3. Improve Digestion
  4. Improves Joint Health – Lubricate those joints!
  5. Supports Detoxification- Flush all those toxins from your liver and kidneys.
  6. Relieves Constipation
  7. Prevents Fatigue- When you drink water,it allows the oxygen to your brain

Signs that you are Dehydrated, and not getting enough water include…

Fatigue, Pre-Mature Aging, Anxiety, Constant Headaches, Dizziness, Watery Eyes, Concentrated Urine ( really yellow ), and dry lips.

Chronic Dehydration can involve kidney problems, constipation, joint & back pain, heartburn, digestive issues, and colitis.

Stay away from diuretics, such as coffee, which increase blood flow to the kidneys, which forces you to lose more water. For every cup of coffee, drink 2 cups of water.

Drinks that are high in sugar, such as Gatorade or juice, draw water from surrounding tissues, depriving you of water & minerals.

Your best bet is to drink water! Live Healthy!