5 Common Water Heater Issues | American Water and Plumbing

Back To School Plumbing Tips

Susan Gentry

It’s back to school time and summer is officially over. With kids back in school and fall sports are well underway, this means your schedule will soon be in an uproar. With hectic early mornings, competition for the bathroom, more commuting, getting to the bus on time, changing schedules, and endless laundry w school clothes, practice clothes, & uniform washing. Your plumbing will obviously see an increase in usage. Soon the leaves will start changing and weather will turn, so here are some tips to avoid a plumbing disaster in your home.

Washing Machine Tips

A different outfit every day, and after school activities or sports will certainly increase your laundry load. Your washing machine works a little harder during the school year. Therefore, it’s a good idea to check your washing machine hose for cracks, bulges or tears. A damaged hose will allow water to leak onto your floor. Just like your drain lines, build up and debris can get clogged inside the hose, which causes the leaking. You should replace these about every 3 years.

Additionally , to be more energy efficient and save money, make sure each load of laundry is full, as 90% of the cost to wash clothes is from heating the water. Choose hot water wash only for really dirty loads, and always choose cold water rinse.

Shower / Hot Water

Stagger shower times so you can avoid running out of hot water, relieving some pressure on your hot water heater. Assigning some family members to shower in the morning or evening times can ensure that everyone gets a warm comfortable shower. I’d advise at least waiting 15 min in between each shower to replenish a hot water supply.

To be more efficient or energy saving, cut your shower time length. Heating water accounts for about 30% of your average energy costs.

Water Heater

Turn your water heater temperature down to 120 degrees. Anything higher than this has a potential to scald unsuspecting children. If you notice less hot water to go around, it could be that you have a lot of sediment at the bottom of your unit. Especially if your unit is older and hasn’t been drained in awhile. Sediment can block the heating elements and keep the water from getting as hot as it should.

The life of an average water heater is 6-10 years, while a tankless system can double that. If your interested in reducing energy costs, saving space reducing water waste,an endless supply of hot water, and unit longevity, you may want to consider a tankless water heater for your home.

Bathroom Tips

Upgrading your shower heads is a great way to reduce your monthly water bill. You can also change out faucets or toilets to an energy saving unit, as they need to be replaced.

Always run your fan, this prevents humidity and moisture from building up on your walls and windows when the shower is in use. This keeps mold and mildew from forming on the walls.

Clear your drains. Drains that are not properly maintained will lead to back ups. Chemical drain cleaner is harsh on older pipes, so use an auger or a “snake” when available. These can be purchased at home improvement centers/stores.

Keep a plunger close by. You can not be everywhere and so it is inevitable that something will get flushed down the toilet, that was never intended to be flushed.

Garbage Disposal

To keep your garbage disposal in good working order, run water for about 60 seconds to flush out any leftovers in it. While water is running, put a few ice cubes down the disposal. This helps keep the blades sharp and moves any left over blockage of food down the disposal. Throw a few lemon peels, while the water is running, to keep any odors down- leaving a lemony scent.

Your homes disposal is a universal tool that everyone uses. Make sure that objects that that are put down the disposal belong down there. Never pour grease down any drains or your disposal. this will clog and cause back ups. Avoid stringy & fibrous foods ( corn husks, celery, onion peels, lettuce) , grainy items ( coffee grounds, rice, pasta, potatoes ), or egg shells and bones. These should not be put in your disposal.

Home Inspection

The best way to avoid costly repairs is to schedule a home plumbing inspection. Hiring a licensed professional to perform this inspection is not a costly expense. Most inspections start at $99.00 and in comparison may save you money for costly repairs.